Tuesday, August 17, 2010

kindergarten here we come!

I am the proud mama to a kindergartener now! Today was Owen's first day of school and it was a great one. I loved watching him sprint out of his classroom with a huge smile on his face (which I was so happy we caught on video even though my husband was a bit embarrassed by his paparazzi wife) and that will certainly become such a sweet memory for me of his first day of kindergarten. We are so excited about the kids' new school and I loved celebrating Owen today. I think the highlight of his day was the adorable cookie bouquet from his yaya and baba waiting for him when he got home. He just couldn't believe that a cookie had his name on it. Too too cute!


  1. Ali, I'm with your brother right now and he was raving about your children ( who happen to be adorable). Aside from that, j wanted to tell you that my mother was that paparazzi mom when we were in kindergarten. Looking back on it we were all mortified, but now it's an amazing thing to look back at. One day you will really appreciate having those videos! I'm sure you already know that - hence the dealt for doing them. Owen will one day as well. :)

  2. love that! thank you for the vote of confidence. i think so too!
